Saturday, January 1, 2011

Sic Vis Pacem Parabellum

Reinhardt’s Journal at  is a day-by-day, week-by-week and now happy and proud  to say – year-by-year journal I keep of current/recent stuff I consider worth paying attention to.  There is no pop-culture, human interest or blue-collar/proletarian crime coverage.  We all get enough of that in the mainstream, state-controlled media.  There is no filler and no fluff and no advertising although i am starting to include a little bit more humor and comprehend-able sarcasm.  The journal is along the same lines as, but around 15-25 times the amount of content .. and much more serious.  All past journal content (12,000+ updates; 13,500 comments) are open and available to new and current subscribers.  Reinhardt’s Journal is 99% business related and the subscription can be written off as a business expense.
History has been nothing but one continual global labor problem.  The reason for this is the reality that “history” is the history of disruptive sciences and technologies (“industrial revolutions”) and their expected effect on the global cost of labor.  Popular history is revised to make it seem different than this.  The only real reason foreign labor is cheaper is because the infrastructure required to support the foreign labor-pool is built, bought and paid for by the homeland labor-force through military economics, taxation, book-cooking, securities fraud, jury-rigging, well-timed legislative, accounting and banking shenanigans and various other forms of enterprise corruption
The combination of foreign nation-building and globalization create generations of financial slaves which is precisely what they are designed and intended to do. 
The “powers that be” cannot afford to teach history honestly and accurately so popular (approved) history is not so much what actually happened but what the leaders of the nations of the world want it’s citizens to believe happened. 
History that doesn’t include globalization, revolutions in industry, wage inflation, technology transfers, foreign labor relocation (colonization), international development and international development banking (big money).. is revised (incomplete at best) history.  Absent in revised history is sound, practical, pragmatic, supply and demand, business-based reason and reasoning.  Reinhardt’s History Notes follow the repetition of history and the repetition of historical behavior on the part of past leaders and statesmen.  Reinhardt’s Journal follows enterprise corruption and white-collar crime in real-time. 
Actual history is jammed full of treason and sedition on the part of a nation’s leaders throughout the entire globe.  The reason an ordinary person is not supposed to know actual history is because of the possibility that an ordinary person may come to recognize the pattern of a nation’s leaders with respect to their responsibilities to themselves in contrast to a nation’s leader’s stated responsibilities to their citizens.  History is revised to avoid charges of economic treason that every nation’s leaders have planned and participated in since the invention of writing.. and probably longer.
“Ordinary” folk generally do not comprehend globalism, foreign nation upgrading nor their effect on labor because:
  1. They are kept secret (behind closed doors)
  2. Within them exists a great measure of sedition and treason
Governments resolve genuine global supply and demand issues behind closed doors.  Governments hide the demand and hide the supply.  There are an unlimited number of political and managerial tricks to screw over a nation’s citizenry and they have all been removed from popular history.  You have to know what governments are doing behind closed doors to be able to make wise investment decisions, career decisions and.. life decisions.
In comparison to the subjects of foreign nation-building (upgrading) and global cost of labor.. democracy, voting on a federal level and staged  partisan politics is bullsh-t.  Reinhardt’s Journal only follows democracy and voting to determine current supply and  demand for global labor costs.
Globalization and foreign nation upgrading is the complex truth.  Since every single period of history is corrupt, the same patterns can be found over and over again.  The historical way to control labor pools is to force them to believe something which is quite obviously not true by law and/or by force if needs be.  The powers that be cannot afford to report on current and future business affairs honestly and accurately and expect to remain “the powers that be”.
Using history as a financial guide, Reinhardt’s Journal, located at has been uncovering, documenting, archiving, updating, posting and providing only relevant global financial and industrial news, intelligence, investment wisdom within news, information, insight and research into globalization, foreign development banking, foreign nation upgrading, colonization schemes, potential tools of debasement of the vehicle of monetary exchange, comparison of the present and future to historic patterns, future failures of regulation and the next phase of several previous, yet ongoing, industrial revolutions and the several nascent revolutions.. to all the subscribers (with no deceptive, invisible opinion/motive-altering/distracting advertising) every day since February 09 2009.

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