Friday, December 31, 2010

Batman: all you need to know

In psychology, compensation is a strategy whereby one covers up, consciously or unconsciously, weaknesses, frustrations, desires, feelings of inadequacy or incompetence in one life area through the gratification or (drive towards) excellence in another area. Compensation can cover up either real or imagined deficiencies and personal or physical inferiority. The compensation strategy, however does not truly address the source of this inferiority. Positive compensations may help one to overcome one’s difficulties. On the other hand, negative compensations do not, which results in a reinforced feeling of inferiority. There are two kinds of negative compensation:
Overcompensation, characterized by a superiority goal, leads to striving for power, dominance, self-esteem and self-devaluation.

Batman is nothing more than a corporate symbol. It is the purest form of faceless money-loving Americanism. From its very beginning Batman had its roots in crass commercialism and the making anonymous of the creative people involved. This is why for a human lifetime Bob Kane (the exploiter) was acknowledged as "creator" of Batman when in fact he was the money managing exploiter of other talented people, out of the synthesis of whose creativity became the blank homoerotic text to fuel the manipulation of generations of men. Admittedly, the modern generation susceptible to the corporate mind control are morbidly obese nothings, but the question is, are these obese simpletons the way they are because of pablum like Batman? Inquiring minds want to know.

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